The A Chords
A Major
A major is one of the easy guitar chords to learn how to play. There are a couple different ways to finger the chord in the open position.Since you’re probably playing loud and distorted, this is a great power chord. Crank it!
If the strings sound muffled at all, you just need to press a bit harder down to the fingerboard. As your fingers get stronger, the chords will sound clearer. Don't get bummed if you don't hit it right at the beginning – just a little practice and you’ll nail it!
This sounds harder than it is and you’ll see that it feels pretty natural. It’s helpful to play the A chord with this fingering when you are doing songs that have finger picking in them. This way you're not muffling the high e string (first).
OK, let’s move up the neck for the next A major position. This is your intro to your first barre chord! You’re going to use all four fingers on the neck. If you’re learning on an acoustic guitar, this will take a little more practice to strengthen your fingers than on an electric guitar.
It’s all good though – it’ll make it easier for you in the long run. Strong fingers are a must. Even though this is a barred chord, you’re still going to find it’s one of the easy guitar chords.
Voila! A major! Pat yourself on the back – you just did a barre chord!
Alright, one more chord for A major.
You can hear this chord at the intro of "She’s a Beauty", by The Tubes.
Am - A Minor
You’re going to find minor chords in all sorts of rock songs, so let’s finish up the A series of easy guitar chords with a couple Am (A minor) chords.Congrats! A minor! Give it a strum...
Just a recap, you’re barring all six strings with your index finger, and pressing the fifth and fourth strings (A and D) with your ring and pinky fingers.
You’ve run through the A chords, easy guitar chords to get started with. You are on your way! Now that you have some the basic fingering positions down, the rest of the chords are going to come a lot easier for you.
Let's move on to the next set of easy guitar chords, the B chords...
A Major
A major is one of the easy guitar chords to learn how to play. There are a couple different ways to finger the chord in the open position.Since you’re probably playing loud and distorted, this is a great power chord. Crank it!
If the strings sound muffled at all, you just need to press a bit harder down to the fingerboard. As your fingers get stronger, the chords will sound clearer. Don't get bummed if you don't hit it right at the beginning – just a little practice and you’ll nail it!
This sounds harder than it is and you’ll see that it feels pretty natural. It’s helpful to play the A chord with this fingering when you are doing songs that have finger picking in them. This way you're not muffling the high e string (first).
OK, let’s move up the neck for the next A major position. This is your intro to your first barre chord! You’re going to use all four fingers on the neck. If you’re learning on an acoustic guitar, this will take a little more practice to strengthen your fingers than on an electric guitar.
It’s all good though – it’ll make it easier for you in the long run. Strong fingers are a must. Even though this is a barred chord, you’re still going to find it’s one of the easy guitar chords.
Voila! A major! Pat yourself on the back – you just did a barre chord!
Alright, one more chord for A major.
You can hear this chord at the intro of "She’s a Beauty", by The Tubes.
Am - A Minor
You’re going to find minor chords in all sorts of rock songs, so let’s finish up the A series of easy guitar chords with a couple Am (A minor) chords.Congrats! A minor! Give it a strum...
Just a recap, you’re barring all six strings with your index finger, and pressing the fifth and fourth strings (A and D) with your ring and pinky fingers.
You’ve run through the A chords, easy guitar chords to get started with. You are on your way! Now that you have some the basic fingering positions down, the rest of the chords are going to come a lot easier for you.
Let's move on to
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